Friday, July 19, 2013

The Gaming Analyst & The Gaming Market

What am I thinking about?

Game sales

I'm not talking about discounts.  I'm talking about overall console game sales for 2013.

I write this post after reading an article on GamesBeat about dismal summer sales, quoting an analyst from Cowen & Company who believes an upcoming title like Grand Theft Auto V could save sales this year, as well as other games and the release of the big name consoles.

Yeah?  No kidding.

Sometimes I wonder what these video game analysts get paid.  It's common sense among gamers that the summertime is always the down period, followed by an upsurge in the release of more highly-anticipated titles in the fall and winter season.  There's a reason for that:  it's called the HOLIDAY season.  Sony's 'The Last of Us' is one of the exceptions when it hit store shelves in June.  It was widely talked about & so it was the top-selling game for that month & also exceeded estimates (according to the Cowen & Company dude).

Let me get back to my point.  I don't understand these 'analysts' and their...'analysis' of the gaming market. Honestly, it's something you and I could simply do ourselves.  The motives are in question.  Are they trying to implant hints in our heads to get us to go out there and buy when they tell us to do it?  I believe that's partially true.

It bothers me.  It bothers me because I believe they're trying to build up the hype for certain games or set the tone for sales, like GTA5, which really doesn't need a whole lot of advertising.  Its reputation speaks for itself.  It bothers me because I don't like seeing the power of the analyst making or breaking games or company sales.  There's a symbiotic relationship between the expert and the gaming company, IMO.  I harken back to my blog post in response to an analyst assessment of Nintendo and how I don't think they're done by any means.

Maybe I'm being a little too harsh when it comes to analyst predictions. Maybe I'm speaking in too many generalities.  Maybe it's the conspiracy theorist in me.  Maybe I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.

But it's something to think about.

The B Gamer is a video game reviewer at 77 WABC in New York City
Twitter:  @thebgamerpod

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